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The Minimal Method

 The Minimal Dressage Method was founded by Arina Beachrider. The minimalistic approach this curriculum takes will help you understand the complexities of this 'sport' and further push you to achieve your goals. Our method draws from many other models and dictionaries all into one singular website. TMM makes learning easy. On our Discord server, our experienced instructors provide all the guidance you need to succeed. We are more committed to helping riders of all levels improve their skills and achieve their dressage dreams.

When learning and teaching the minimal method, there are so many minute details we need to learn and focus on, but the minimal approach takes you down a linear path.

Why the minimal method?

Minimalism refers to the idea of decluttering and reducing the steps of a process to maximize an outcome. When Ari began dressage, she believed there were no clear step-by-step guidelines or curriculums. Although there are many methods and dictionaries now, they tend to be extensive. We want an on-the-go, straightforward method to the madness. Features on our site search give you quick access to the dictionary, and moves are written to be understood by all levels. We believe dressage can be broken down into 3 basic moves, and we try to demonstrate that an advanced move can be broken down into just simple fundamentals. 

The Riding Rendezvous

Mimalistic method

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