Lag & Presentation
Lag and screen delay go hand in hand. Screen delay is solely the game servers, whereas lag is more of an individual problem. Full servers can lag, and lag can be a part of screen delay, but screen delay is not lag.
what causes & affects lag?
- Wifi connection
- Internal computer power
- Heavy RAM usage
- Amount of computer storage
- Computer systems/ conversion layers
Lag Prevention Tips
A main reason you may experience lag is the quality of your Wifi Connection.
Simply, a router sends out signals from an antenna. These are radio waves can be blocked and get weaker the further you are from the router. Plugging directly into a router or switch with an ethernet cable will eliminate this problem.
The internal power of your computer can also affect your game speeds. Using a lower-end computer can substantially impact how sharp your game is.
The amount of graphic cores your computer has will affect how fast and at what quality your computer can process the game.
As your computer storage fills up, it begins to load the RAM with the tasks that internal storage should be handling, this can slow down your machines in moment processers.
A safe amount of free storage is anywhere from 70 - 100 GBs.
Most apps require a basic amount of storage to be free, so when you drop below what most 'heavy' applications consider safe, your computer will get super slow and very laggy.
The best way to keep your machine clean is to use programs like CleanMyMac or CleanMyPC which will on command delete any large unused or old files. We recommend running said programs every few weeks to keep your computer in top shape
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. This is a function that lets your computer store information and data in the immediate tense. Such as hitting the keys to affect your screen and how fast it turns with you in dressage. Using programs like CleanMyMac, and CleanMyPC will clear up your RAM as well, it will even alert you when you are on heavy RAM usage, or have close to dangerous levels of storage left.
Depending on your operating system, SSO will struggle to run.
The safe option is to current on all updates, however, we know that computers cannot update past a certain point, at that point, it is crucial to follow the rest of these tips.
It is also important to keep in mind that if you are a Mac player on an M1 machine or newer, your computer will be working overtime to run the rosetta conversion layers. SSO Is programmed to run on machines using intel chips (what was in old Macs and is on PCs and Windows computers). Keeping extra tabs closed is a must to ensure your computer can process and handle SSO, especially in this circumstance.