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Intermediate Moves

Single Moves


Galaxy : Orbit curl gaits, in a fate.

B fate : Bee curl gaits, in a fate.

I fate : I curl gaits, in a fate.

Mist : Curl in the direction called, then once straight, curl over the opposite direction.

Over Comb : Curl over the stated direction, then comb in the same direction.

Back Curl Slant : Curl the direction called, then overhold your key into a back slant.

Cub : On the first go slant in the direction said, then on the second go curl over the opposite direction.

​Ash : Whilst in a comb, you will curl the comb towards your lead to reform the line.

Fish : 225 degrees of a curl which results in a back slant.

Ribbon : 315 degrees of a curl which results in a forward slant, remember to overhold your key.

Shield : Slant, then on the second go, keyhole in the same direction.

Resistor : Retreat curl in the direction called, then curl over again in the opposite direction.

Locket : A keyhole fate. Keyhold the direction called, then keyhole the opposite direction.

Infinekey : Keyhole the direction said each time the commander calls go until asked to go straight.

Big Bear : Bear the direction called, the once straight bear the other direction.

Baby Bear : Bear the direction called, then head straight, then into a slant.

Alpha : Slant the direction called, then on the second go belt the same direction back to the wall.

Blimp : Back curl, then once straight, pick-up canter set to the next wall.

Quintet Curl : Walk curl, trot curl, canter curl, trot curl, walk curl.

Water : A gently and lightly tapped dodge, should take up two dotted lines.

Star : Slant, then slant back to your original axis.

Bounce : Do a dodge, and at the 'top' of the dodge, do a curl.

Squiggle : Complete a dodge, then at the end of it, do another curl over. It should reverse the
 line order.

Butterfly : Trot fate, then canter fate.


Odd & Even Moves

Screw : The odds will double curl the direction called and then evens will fate the direction called.

Jupiter : Odds will trot curl, and evens will canter curl all in the same direction. Like a broken-up B curl.

Pluto : Odds will walk curl, and evens will canter curl all in the same direction.

Venus : Odds will walk curl, and evens will trot curl in the direction called. Like a broken I curl.

Stormy : A mist but in a wave formation so it results in a waterfall.

Intergalactic : 1s will I curl, 2s will B curl, and 3s will orbit curl, all in the same direction.

Planetarium : Relove at the meet, but odds full revolve and evens half revolve.

Orbiting : From a slanted halt, odds will canter curl around the evens, and then they will run through, and will 'pick up' the evens, heading off into couples.

Antimatter : On the first go, odds disappear into the global store, on the second go, evens disappear into the global store. Hotkey K can be used.

Breach : At the wall, odds will ribbon left, and evens will ribbon right.

​​Split Curl Over : From a waterfall, odds will curl over to the left, and evens will curl over to the right to emerge the line.

Buddy Comb : On the first go, odds will comb the direction called, then on the second go, evens will comb the same direction. The second go should be called directly after the first so the evens follow the same path as the evens.

Flyer : From spilled lines headed across the dye lines, everyone will adjust straight on the go to form an action arrow.

Half Revolve : From two split lines in comb alignment headed towards each other, you will curl over around each other, headed back in the same direction.

Full Revolve : From two spilled lines in comb alignment headed towards each other, you will curl around your partner, and continue in the same direction.

Switch : From a waterfall, comb inwards, then recut to reform the waterfall on the other side of the arena.

Key Switch : From a waterfall, everyone will keyhole out into a comb, then recut to reform the waterfall on the other side of the arena.

Slant Switch : From a waterfall, everyone will slant inwards, then recut to reform the waterfall on the other side of the arena.

Numbered Tier : All the riders will do a tir but in the number at which they are assigned, so in triples, or quadruplets.

Break : From a waterfall complete a half-moon to create a wider waterfall.

Interlace : From a half revolve, turn back onto your original path by bearing.

Edgey: Follow Slant out from a waterfall.

Shade : Follow slant in from a waterfall.

Tango : A dodge wave.

Fresco : At a wall, like a waterfall, odds go left, and evens go right, however it is a bear belt, but continuing on a slant to make two slant split lines headed away from each other.

Flat/ Halt Moves

Euphoria : From a comb, on go the first go, odds will immediately halt, and on the second go, evens will halt.

Felicity : From an NTT halted line have the odds back up and curl over right behind the evens, then trot off in the direction your facing.

Idyllic : Whilst on a circle, everyone will slant halt into a pinwheel formation.

Sequoia : Create a curved two-horse spacing nose to tail spacing across the 20-meter moon line.

Circle Moves

Spiral Down : From a circle, larger than 5 meters, the lead will begin to spiral down, closing and shrinking the circle gaps.

Key Shrink : Keyhole outwards, then continue straight through X point, and then one the second go, reform the circle.

Key Expand : Keyhole inwards, then slant the stated direction to curve out onto a larger circle.

Gear Shift : Two riders labeled as leads will cut through half the circle, and make an S shape, passing the other line, then reforming the circle in the opposite direction from before the gear shift.

Rotary : A smaller circle of even-labeled riders going in the opposite direction of the larger circle of odds.

Aurora : Odds will curl over off the circle which should result in a rotary with evens on the inner track.

Doyle : In a rotary, the evens (inner line) will cave, and the odds (outer line) will bloom.

Drain : From a rotary, the inner line (evens) will expand to fall into the odds circle, then on the second go, odds will shrink back to the size of the evens circle.

Elixer : From a rotary in secondary odd and even labels, the 1s (odd line) will curl over in, and then the 1s (even line) will curl over out, to form a third circle in between the two existing circles.

Paradox : Odds expand, and evens shrink to form two circles (one larger, one smaller) going the same direction.


Arena Shapes

Eclipse :  A quarter moon (up 1 over 1 dot), change direction, then a half moon (up 2, over 3 dots), change directions, then finally another quarter moon (up 1, over 1 dot). B/ E line as a starting point.

5 Meter 8 : Two stacked 5-meter circles going across the B/ E line.

Dye 8 : A 5-meter figure 8 going through X point and using the dye lines instead of B/ E.

Infinite : A 5-meter circle, however, you move forward as well. It would help if you started with X point as one of your 4 meter points, and then slowly shifted from A wall to E wall, to B wall, and so forth. This happens by gradually forming more of an oval shape.


- Rotaries, and complex circle moves

- Line and lead communication


- Multi-person moves

- Secondary odd even labels, as well as numbers

- Usage of arena

The Riding Rendezvous

Mimalistic method

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