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Basic Commands


Cut : On go, follow your lead on a 90-degree turn to end up cutting straight through the arena.

Cut the mid/ center line : You will cut from letters B/E or C/A down the middle of the arena.

Dye : From H/F or K/M you will cut diagonally across the arena.

Follow Slant : A cut down the 45-degree lines. 

Slant : Everyone will individually cut across the arena at a 45-degree angle.

Back Slant : Everyone will individually cut across the arena at a 135-degree angle (backward).

Comb : Everyone will cut across the arena individually.

Belt : At a wall or specified point, you will make a tight U-turn to reverse your direction.

Bear Belt : At a wall or specified point, you will make a tight teardrop shape to reverse your direction, but keep you on the same axis.

Cut Back : When in any sort of comb or slant, cut the direction called to re-merge the line.

Keyhole : 3/4th of a curl, which should put you in a comb, the opposite direction the commander called the move.

Waterfall : Odds belt left, and evens belt right, splitting the line into two at a wall point.

Rein : From split lines, have both leads cut to a point in the arena. Like a waterfall, but starting from split lines.

Tier : In between the wide tier and midline, you will cut in pairs towards the other end of the arena. 

Basic Callings

Pick-Up Gait Set: One by one, you will pick up the gait after the person in front of you. Used for entering the arena, or after halting.

Immediate Gait Set : On go, immediately pick up the specified gait, disregarding the others around you. Often used for circles.

Halt set : The commander will call a halt set, on pre, you will walk to avoid crashing, and then on go will halt after the person in front of you does.

Pivot set : On go, from a halt you will pivot the specified angle.



Base Moves

Curl : On go hold your key down at the provided gait until you have completed a full 360 turn. This should result with you straight on your original axis.

Double Curl : Curl twice in the specified gait and direction.

C Curl : A canter curl, and then back to your prior gait.

W Curl : A walk curl, and then back to your original gait

Cont. Curl : Curl in the specified gait, but continue the gait after the curl until another go is called, signaling for you to return to your original gait.

Curl Over : On go, make a U shape, or 'half curl' to reverse the line order.

Rear : On go, take a quarter step up, then rear.


The Riding Rendezvous

Mimalistic method

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